Are you a patient or caregiver to someone dealing with these poor blood flow symptoms: leg or foot pain, gangrene, or foot ulcers?

If so, you may be eligible to participate in an exciting international research study. 

How We Can Help


Hundreds of physicians at sites in the US, Canada, Finland, Italy, New Zealand and elsewhere specialize in treating CLI. These doctors, their research nurses, and coordinators on “BEST-CLI teams” provide high quality, long-term care to patients who enroll in the study.

BEST-CLI is a study for people with peripheral arterial disease (PAD).


A condition called Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI), can cause fatty deposits to build up on the inside of blood vessels on one or both legs. This reduces the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the legs and, when severe, may cause pain even when resting; skin sores (ulcers) on the leg and/or foot; and/or gangrene (death of tissue).

Over 130 leading hospitals in 5 countries around the world are participating in the BEST-CLI Trial - that's nearly 1000 physicians worldwide


1585 patients have participated so far

We need 515 more to reach 2100

What will happen during the study?

Participants in this study are randomly assigned - not by the doctor’s or patient’s decision - to one of two treatment groups, endovascular therapy (angioplasty/stenting) [Group A] or surgical therapy [Group B].

If assigned to Group A (below) the blockage(s) in your artery will be opened with a balloon and a wire mesh stent may be inserted permanently to maintain the opening.

Group A.png

If assigned to Group B (below) a detour or “bypass” around the blockage in the blood vessel will be made by insertion of a vein or a tube made of synthetic material.

Group B.png

Both therapies - endovascular and surgical bypass - are internationally accepted standards of care.